Abstract from Reports for 2023/2024

This year has been rather quiet: the big works on the house and the room are now finished and soon both harmoniums will be in best order. There has been a little trouble with the Tagliavini organ, because of the humidity in the St Michel's chapel. Thanks to J.-F. Staehli, the instrument is now protected.
Our finances have made a big dip: the reason is the cost of Aurélie's beautiful book. We are now slowly recovering and hope that the sales will be abundant.
We will be present at the Lyon Alain festival and also give a lecture on the Alain organ. Finally, we are now working with a British musician on Alain's transcriptions of François Campion (1680-1748), which has been published a log time ago in an uncomplete form by Marie-Claire Alain.
We have been able to stay above water with our finances: the capital of our society is now 11’035.09 francs. More details in the French part, and the secretariate is always ready to give you all the details.