Abstract from Reports for 2023/2024

Everything went smoothly and successfully this year. The cooperation with the Romainmôtier concert organisation is very nice and useful. We will be able to make the 2025 cours longer, on request of many participants.
There has been a little trouble with the Tagliavini organ because of the climate in the chapel. It was fixed by Jean-François Staehli.
Our finances are low because of the operation with Aurélie's book, and we were happy to find a partner (the French magazine "Orgues Nouvelles"). The books sell slowly, and we will recover within a certain amount of time.
More complete figures can be found in the French part of this site, and also in the yearly brochure, printed and prepared by our vice-president Marc Fitze and his partner Ferdinando.
The capital of the association today is of 17'627.41 CHF.